Publications Citing Cellvis (formerly In Vitro Scientific) Products

Due to significant increase of the citations of our products in publications, it becomes tedious for us to manually collect hundreds of publications that cited our products every year. We have decided to use the citation service offered by to display publications that are published on bioRxiv since 2019. To search all publications that cited our products please go to Google scholar. Thank you!

Publications citing Cellvis "24 Well glass bottom plates"

51 - 59 of 59 publications before 2019

  1. The role of cytoplasmic-to-lysosomal pH gradient in hydrophobic weak base drug sequestration in lysosomes
    enny Zhitomirsky, et al., Cancer Cell & Microenvironment, 2015 Vol 2, No 2
    Quote: "previously described [14]. Immunofluorescence and live cell imaging Cells were plated in 24-well glass bottom plates (In Vitro Scientific, CA, USA) for immunofluorescence and live cell imaging experiments"

  2. Analysing human neural stem cell ontogeny by consecutive isolation of Notch active neural progenitors
    Reuven Edri, et al., Nature Communications 6, 2015, Article number: 6500
    Quote: "All cell imaging was carried out in 24-well glass bottom plates (In Vitro scientific)."

  3. Heterodimerization, Altered Subcellular Localization and Function of Multiple Zinc Transporters in Viable Cells Using Bimolecular Fluorescence Complementation
    Yarden Golan, et al., The Journal of Biological Chemistry, February 5, 2015
    Quote: "Cell Culture and transient transfection: MCF-7 breast cancer cells were grown as previously described (22). Cells were seeded (5x104 cells/well) in 24-well glass bottom plates (In Vitro Scientific)"

  4. Lysosomal sequestration of hydrophobic weak base chemotherapeutics triggers lysosomal biogenesis and lysosome-dependent cancer multidrug resistance
    Benny Zhitomirsky, et al., Oncotarget. 2015 Jan; 6(2): 1143–1156.
    Quote: "MCF-7 cells were plated in 24-well glass bottom plates (In Vitro Scientific, CA, USA)"

    Codrington, Rosalind, United States Patent Application 20140213775
    Quote: "The CHO and A549 cell lines were seeded the day before the magnetic selection, at 2×105 cells/well in a 24 well glass bottom plate (In Vitro Scientific)"

  6. High-fidelity optical reporting of neuronal electrical activity with an ultrafast fluorescent voltage sensor
    François St-Pierre, et al., Nature Neuroscience 17, 884–889 (2014)
    Quote: "HEK293A cells (Life Tech) were maintained in high-glucose Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM, HyClone) supplemented with 5% fetal bovine serum (FBS, vol/vol, Life Tech) and 2 mM glutamine (Sigma) at 37 °C in air with 5% CO2. Cells were plated onto glass-bottom 24-well plates (In vitro Scientific) for standard imaging"

  7. Time-Dependent Extracellular Matrix Organization and Secretion from Vascular Endothelial Cells due to Macromolecular Crowding
    Frances D. Liu, et al, MRS Proceedings / Volume 1623 / 2014,
    Quote: "Cell Culture Vascular endothelial cells (VECs), derived originally from bovine retina by Herman et al., were cultured on glass-bottom 24-well dishes (In Vitro Scientific, P24-1.5HN, Sunnyvale, CA) in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's Medium (DMEM) containing Bovine Calf Serum"

  8. Plumbagin induces apoptotic and autophagic cell death through inhibition of the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway in human non-small cell lung cancer cells
    Yan-Cong Li et al., Cancer Letters, Nov 2013
    Quote: "2.9 Determination of autophagy A549 and H23 cells were seeded at an intensity of 5 x 104 cells/well in a 24-well plate with glass black bottom (In Vitro Scientific Inc., Sunnyvale, CA)."

  9. Tropomyosins induce neuritogenesis and determine neurite branching patterns in B35 neuroblastoma cells
    NM Curthoys, et al., Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, Nov. 2013
    Quote: "TmBr3 and Tm4 overexpressing clones were plated at a density of 2.5 × 10 3 cells/well in a poly-D-Lysine coated 24 well glass bottom plate (In vitro scientific) 24 h prior to imaging."